Thursday, May 20, 2010

A glimpse into my head at any given moment...

I wonder if we'll get a match soon?
Will our baby be a boy or girl?
How are our friends in Nepal doing?
How is the weather in Nepal?
What are we having for dinner?
What is our baby's name?
How old is our baby?
Should I return those cute sandals that don't quite fit?
(Hmmm. They'll stretch.)
How is the matching process actually working?
Is a batch of matches going out next week?
Next month?
Where are we in the order?
Is there an order?
Doesn't seem to be.
Will we be able to use miles when we travel?
I hope we can upgrade!
Settle down, we probably can't.
(Hmm. Must find out if Delta miles transfer to United).
Will we be able to connect in Bangkok with the riots?
Will we be in Nepal during Monsoon season?
(If so - can I get some of those cute Wellies that there's no reason to have in Colorado?)
Hmmm. I really wonder what our baby's name is?
Oh, then what will the middle name be?!
What should I wear to work tomorrow?
Will our baby smile or cry when he/she sees us?
I wonder what our friends in Nepal are doing right... now.
Is our new garden going to give us lots of veggies?
Or will the deer and foxes get fat?
Will our baby be a boy or a girl?
What toys will we take for our baby?
What toys will we take for the other children?
Are these jeans tighter or looser than they were last time I wore them?
Where will we be when we get "the call"?
Which immunization is next?

I wonder if we'll get a match soon?



Lynn K said...

Will we be in Nepal at the same time as Anne and Terry? (a glimpse into my head)

Doug and Jen said...

Completely understand that list and we go through that daily as well....hopefully soon matches will be released!!