Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bats, family & waterslides. (Not in that order.)

Just got back from a visit to see my family for my dad's 70th. We had a great time. My nieces and nephews are so beautiful and fun. They say the funniest things - they had us cracking up the entire time. What a blessing to be able to get the whole family together.

The highlights of the trip were a day at the lake with the Sea-Doo, hiking in the hill country, nursing a baby dove back to health, seeing 3 million bats fly out of tunnel cave at dusk, waterslides and of course - way too much food.

A few months ago we hesitated to purchase flights - as we were just sure we'd be on our way around the world to meet our child. It felt strange to not have kids and sort of sad. Can't shake that sadness from the closure of the "country that shall not be named". Of course now it's turned into flat-out pissedoffedness.


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