Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Who IS this person?

I have really got to get more creative about how I update when there's nothing to update on!

Those of you who know me, know that I am not the most patient person in the world. OK, probably not even in the top 10... (After all, on FaceBook I am an early member of the group:"I Secretly Want to Punch Slow Walking People in the Head".) I'm also a fairly accomplished control freak. Admittedly, these may not be two of my more admirable qualities. (Although, hey, "I yam who I yam" as both Pop and Popeye would say...)

However, somewhere in me I am finding a woman who is steadfast, resolute, calm and hopeful in this process. No, it is not happening as quickly as I want it to. But there's a tiny part of me who is (for now, anyway) at peace with it. Would I like to be buying baby things, assembling a crib or booking a trip to Nepal right now? Hell yes! But here I am, here we are, in total unknowing and completely at the mercy of things which are completely out of our control. And feeling quite a bit of respect for this country which operates in an entirely different manner, and with different timing than that to which I am accustomed. And I'm OK. Maybe the Pebble is teaching me a thing or two about patience before he/she physically joins us. Maybe it's unfolding exactly as it should. Here's to learning.



yolo said...

I like this post Anne. Well said! I got an email today from our agency stating our dossier (guarantee letter included) was submitted to the Ministry yesterday. Ha. What ministry?? Was my first thought... But, like you, I'm learning to stay calm, remain hopeful, and hang on to what feels like at times, my last bits of optimism.

Amy said...

Good for you Anne! And well said. Personally, I am waiting for the next wave of peace to wash over me.

Its funny, I spent 10 days blissfully away from all the news (or non-news)and then 10 minutes of looking at emails today and I am in back tempest-tossed waters. I think it best to return to my no-yahoo policy. It simply doesn't matter how much we know or don't know at this point as it will not change how things will unfold.

I do appreciate that I can visit your blog and always find a steady voice. Cheers!