Friday, July 24, 2009

7 Months Pregnant

We're almost 7 months paper-pregnant. And I'm getting a bit uncomfortable. You know, the usual: wondering when exactly the baby will come, not sleeping so well, strange food cravings, weight gain. Alright - the last two can't necessarily be attributed to our adoption process, but the first two can!

While I've not been physically pregnant, I can tell you that carrying around a paper-pregnancy seems to also get more uncomfortable the longer you go, as well. We're still waiting on any news from Nepal. We're not in a panic yet, though, as we did hear in June that things would likely be slowing down for a while due to the political unrest. And we're in that slowdown.

Things could change any day - and any day we could get news of referrals being sent out again. Our agency is traveling to Nepal next week for 10 days, so we'll be anxious to hear what they learn. It's all part of the process of getting our pebble. It is what it is.


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