Monday, February 15, 2010

This place of "unknowing".

The longer I’m on this planet, the more familiar I become with this place of “unknowing”. But, while unknowing has become more familiar, it’s not any more comfortable. And I certainly have not grown to like it. (And believe me, I’ve had  p  l  e  n  t  y.)

A main concept of Buddhism is that the cause of human suffering is grasping – or desiring. In the Christian religion it is recognized that human happiness is temporary and dependent. It lasts only as long as the thing that provides the happiness.

I’m no expert, but it seems to me that we could allow this place of not knowing what’s happening in Nepal or with our child overshadow everything else in our lives. We could overlook the happiness and goodness that we DO have in our lives by focusing on what we don’t yet have in our lives. And yep, some days I do just that…I get pretty focused on our baby-to-be.

But every once in a while I attempt to focus on what IS right now, rather than what we want or desire right now. Maybe just a minute a day. Maybe sometimes more. Sometimes less. But, as far as I can tell, this is about the only power I have in this whole process, so I might as well use it.

So, right now, we have each other and our sweet dog, we have our families and our friends. We have a beautiful home in a beautiful place. And we have the great new friends we've met through this process. I don't know what we'll have tomorrow or next month. I only know what we have right now, which is all we every really have anyway, isn't it?

Namaste for now.


Lori @ Five of My Own said...

I am in "that" place right now and your words were precisely what I needed. Thank you and much luck to you in your journey.

yolo said...

Well said. :)