Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday minus one.

It's been a nice Saturday. We had breakfast with friends, then got the dog (Jackson) and went on a great hike. It was sunny and beautiful out, with just enough snow for Jackson to play in. It would have been really nice to have a little one along to complete our family.

Maybe it is because it's been a year since we started this process, maybe it's because we passed a few couples with dogs and small children on the hike, but I'm really missing our baby today. How can you miss something you don't have? I'm not sure - but we both do. 

For the past few months, I've tried to put the adoption situation out of my mind with varying degrees of success. It seems, lately, to be coming into my head, and my heart, much more often. There is space in our lives and our hearts for this child. It's getting closer, I know it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is those perfect days when it can be so hard. It is interesting but in a way I think that I appreciate the pure joy of everyday life much more now than I did when we embarked on our adoption journey three years ago. When there is much disappointment, you learn to see the beauty of every day life better as well. I am glad for that. But sometimes, it makes the pain of separation more acute. Being more in love with life, makes you want to share it more. Hang in there and keep enjoying the things that matter to you. You do that so well.