Saturday, August 28, 2010

Korea? Domestic? China? Ethiopia? Other? All? None?

It is mind-boggling how difficult it is to decide what path is next when you've survived (or are barely surviving) a country shut-down. As we ponder our options, I keep looking for "signs". But then I see "signs" and am not sure how to interpret them!? (And I can pretty much see a sign in anything from the phase of the moon to the model and color of a rental car, to a rabbit hopping across my path. I know what you're thinking, but these signs really do make sense if I had time to explain...) 

I decide on one country, one day, and my husband has come to peace with another. We've even had Jackson pick, by writing the name of countries on little pieces of paper and wrapping dog treats in them. Yes - this is how ridiculously crazy we have become, and yes, this is how highly we think of our dog's opinion. (Of course, we can't trust him, because he picked the wrong house when we were deciding between houses...) 

I know, I know. Trust my gut. Alotta good that did me last time. And right now, my gut can't be trusted because it is telling me I want Dulce de Leche ice cream. (Wait! Is that a sign??)

So back to the beginning. Arghhhhh. Can someone please text God, Buddha, Allah or Mother Nature and ask her what we should do? 



Erin Carson said...

Quite a choice, huh? I am quite thankful that we had our stuff in Rwanda when Nepal closed cause they just suspended it! Yikes! After all of this (even though we are fine in Rwanda) I am thankful that we now are also doing domestic. If you do this route (which is a sigh of relief for me cause it is so different than IA) I would pay someone to put your profile together (since you are marketing yourself!) We picked Joanna at I wish you best of luck while picking. Sometimes still can't believe Nepal's all over...

Juneau&Kenai said...

Love your post. We are in the same boat but believe we have come to the conclusion that China is the country for us. The only thing standing in our way is the cash. We'll probably save up and start the ball rolling in January or so. You're not alone. ~ Brooke

yolo said...

Still right there with you. The answer will come in time; there is something here we are meant to learn from this, I just don't know what yet. In the meantime, if you get a response from God or Buddha or Allah please advise we need help too! ;)


Wes, Dawn and Luke said...

We were in Nepal and we were matched with a baby girl when they changed the matching process...It was so hard to let go. I prayed and prayed for God to tell us where to go. We never wanted Russia or africa...we wanted Asia.
I awoke one morning with one word in my head and it never left....Ethiopia. we retured from Ethiopia with our 9 months old baby boy in June :o) It will all work out just keep the faith and God will lead you! We found out that it was never about what we wanted but what he wanted for us. I would do it all over again to get our son!! Good Luck

Elissa said...

No words of advice just another "right there with ya" comment. We have considered several options in the last few weeks but decided we don't have the heart for anything right now... It is against every fiber of my being to just sit and wait, but I'm reminded that rushing to turn in our Nepal paperwork last summer got us where we are right now (vs the families that waited until December and currently have referrals). Ugh. (but if you decide on China SN I have a great contact for you).