Monday, November 29, 2010


Those damn classes. We're going through the Hague Adoptions video courses on international adoption.

Apparently, we can be assured that:
1.) Our child will not develop normally
2.) Our child will have any number of diseases
3.) Our child will not do well in school
4.) Our child will have trouble socially
5.) Our child will have eating issues
6.) Our child will never forgive us for taking him/her out of his/her birth country
7.) Our child will have seven heads and four stomachs 
8.) Our child will not sleep, ever
9.) Our child will never fit in
10.) Our child will never get to us because the country will close. (Oh - wait...)

This is the "scare the crap out of you" tactic. I have to admit. It's working.


Bridget said...

UGH! I HATE those classes. It took us over 2 years to complete ours just b/c I HAD to pace myself. And then when we had a positive class- everyone (adult adoptees) LOVED their lives (what?!) and had nothing but wonderful things to say (what?!). I swear. It's just soooo insane. I always remind myself: We may deal with ONE of these things (but not all 10,000). Sigh. Sorry.

Sheila said...

Heehee! Sorry but I remember having those same feelings when taking the classes! No wonder a lot of people shy away from international adoption! It reminded me of Lamaze class which ended up being more traumatic than helpful because they just HAVE to tell you everything that COULD, MAY, MIGHT, POSSIBLY go wrong. Just get finished with them as soon as you can and file it away for slim possibility that one may, might, could, possibly happen.

Lynn K said...

Could it actually be worse than Eyes Wide Open?

Anonymous said...

Well, we got the non-sleeper but otherwise you can see unhappy, poorly adjusted, miserable blah of a child we got right??? :-)

Just remember, they are trying to cram every bad thing that can happen into 2-4 hours.. and it is BAD. but you won't get all of them.. maybe one!! xoxo