Thursday, December 2, 2010


My parents were here for Thanksgiving - we had a really great week. (Why is it that you don't really appreciate your parents until you're O-L-D?) 

As Terry and I work towards having our own family - I'm struck by the good things we got from my parents that I want to pass on. They instilled us with tremendous independence and allowed us to find our own beliefs while raising us with strong morals and work ethics. My mom taught us love of family and for animals. My dad encouraged us to take risks and love nature.They're still married, and put 3 of us through braces and college.

We talked a lot about my family history. (As a child, my grandfather named himself after a horse he liked. My grandmother single-handedly ran the family farm for months after my grandfather broke his hip). I wish I would have known my grandparents better and am fascinated by hearing stories... I could listen to them for days.

We'll spend Christmas with Terry's family - who bring us an entirely different set of blessings and stories. We're very, very fortunate. As this child will be, once it finally gets here. (700 days today.)

Namaste and blessings.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

700 days. Wow. I'm not AT ALL kidding when Is say you deserve a metal. Glad you have wonderful family to help bring meaning to the holidays!