Sunday, December 12, 2010

If at first you don't conceive...

This has officially become an adoption blog again! 

Before Nepal shut down we had actually started the process of adopting from Ethiopia for #2. Well, number 2 has become number one! We took a few months to mourn Nepal, and to get our wits about us again, now we're officially back in the process, publicly.

So, our dossier is finished and out of our hands in record time, thanks to my very detail-oriented and committed husband (finished in less than 2 months). Our families have been informed (which I might add, went very well!). We're meeting people locally who are or will be adopting from Ethiopia. We're taking classes and learning about Africa and Ethiopia. And so on and so forth.

My girlfriends have asked how I feel. My answer is "1/3 excited, 1/3 relieved and 1/3 scared to death." One wisely commented: "You're balanced!". Not a word I'd use to describe myself - but hey - maybe motherhood is changing me already.


Erin Carson said...


Mindee said...

That's wonderful! I had the same thing happen to me with Vietnam closing. Don't let the system beat you down. Your child is out there waiting for you.

Wes, Dawn and Luke said...

Ethiopia is wonderful...We did the same!! Our son has been home for 6 months! Well worth everything we went through!

Sally said...

Awesome! I can't remember when I found your blog, but we considered a Nepal adoption 2 years ago. I am so happy for you with Ethiopia! I know we never met, but I will keep you in my prayers. This can and will go smoothly for you. We have 4 children adopted through foster care. We had our own journey of indescribable hell. I don't know why adoption needs to be so hard, but someday, this will all be a distant memory, it is now with our family.

Me. Us. She. said...
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Reg said...

Congratulation. I wish you all the best for this new project. Hope you can soon be a mother.

Vincent Thome said...

This is comforting news. There is a child out there who deserves you both as loving parents. Whose life would not be complete without your adoration and care. Terry and you are deserving of the many blessings that come with parenthood. In due time and at God's speed. Everything will fall into place.

Q. Is there and Ethiopian equivalent for "namaste?"


:) Vincent & Kristen