Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What to Expect While We're Expecting...

As we've told people about our plans to adopt, we've gotten some great, heartfelt responses. Here's one of my favorites from a friend who has an adopted daughter and a biological daughter. I think it's really cool - and proving to be true, already:

I am thrilled for you, and can't tell you how excited I am for you as you take the first steps on this journey to your child. In my experience, our "paper pregnancy" was remarkably similar to our biological pregnancy (albeit with a longer gestational period :). Both are filled with excitement, joy, uncertainty, ups, downs, sleepless nights, wonderment, and ultimately a moment when someone places that little being in your hands and the long road to get there is all forgotten in an instant. I wish you all the best of luck for a smooth and speedy process...

I think I am going to suggest to Terry that he be prepared to go out at any hour of the night to get me the strange combinations of food I'm craving during my paper pregnancy. I will likely need some new pregnancy clothes at some point soon. And I've heard that feet grow during pregnancy - so new shoes are a likelihood, as well. Namaste for now!

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