Monday, December 20, 2010

Heart-swell. Heartbreak. Heart-swell. Heartbreak. Heart-swell...

I am so happy for our friends who are either having babies, or getting their children home! And at the same time, each time I hear of this amazing news, despite the immense beauty, I feel like I've been kicked in the gut and the wind knocked out of me. I cannot breathe.

I don't want to be selfish.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

So, I practice bringing myself back to the moment - and sending love and good thoughts.



Bridget said...

Just remember. This is normal. And human. Don't beat yourself up too much! And give yourself loads of credit to be able to try to remember what you are reminding yourself- to be present- I mean- it's not like you haven't been through the wringer! Holidays are tough. As is winter. Hope you did something nice for yourself today! I treated E and I to a pancake lunch. :) Then felt sick. Go figure....

Erin Carson said...

thank you. i needed that.
~Erin :)