Sunday, September 4, 2011

Regression then progression...

That was SOME regression on my last post. (Yep, I'm having a tough time.) I appreciate your comments, insights and support more than you know. It's what gets me through some of the harder days. Thanks, y'all.

SO. I'm now pulling myself together, sorting baby/toddler clothes, writing thank you notes, working on his room, and assuming this is all going to continue to come together. (Yes - I did iron 2 tiny little denim/chambray shirts. I'm a bit obsessive about ironing. No, I don't expect I'll have time for this once he gets home. Come to think of it, I'm a bit obsessive about writing thank you notes, too, but have been a dismal failure this time around. I blame it on the giardina still making me feel like crud, combined with some stuff at work that has been all-consuming, including layoffs and budget cuts...UGH. But this isn't a work blog...)

Anyway - I have picked out what I want him to wear home, and have started packing his bag. The law of attraction, right? RIGHT????

One must arrive in Colorado in true Colorado style. Yes, his name is on his REI vest - thanks, Nona!

Good to be comfy on the plane, AND make a statement :)

We'll have to have a few alternates, because he does poop a lot. I got this groovy T in Austria the month we learned about Sam. March. (Ahem.)

Oh, Terry beckons for help with the glider. Over and out.


elliemac said...

Glad to hear the positive again, my dear dau. We can't wait to get the "bug" home and love on him (okay, when you say it's okay) and spoil him rotten!!!

Wes, Dawn and Luke said...

The roller are doing better then you think. He is yours just remember that! Praying for God SPEED!!!

Elissa said...

Love his outfits!! Obsess all you want over ironing or outfits or whatever-- it's part of the fun, and Lord knows you need to layer in whatever fun you can find into this ridiculous wait. It just plain sucks and of course you're miserable- your baby is on the other side of the world. Moms are not supposed to be ok with this. But soon he will always and forevermore be yours, and how sweet that will be!! I will keep praying that "soon" hurries up!