Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mama Bear

Until I am this:

I am pretty much this:

I am chalking it up to instincts. Don't get between me and my cub. I am mean and very crazy right now.


elliemac said...

I know the feeling! And no one can blame you for that!

Becca said...

Anne- I know we are only blog acquaintances- but I had a dream that you got your court date and we helped out with Jackson as we have the golden retriever thing in common- yea! get packing for Ethiopia- it's coming I feel it!

Anonymous said...

Love it!!
It only gets worse sister!! wait til ya get him home..
I feel it will happen soon too- so be ready!!! Thinking tons of good thoughts!

Kirsten said...

I'm pretty much always the second picture. Thinking of you from across the country! I'm hoping on your behalf that you get news soon.

Straus^3 said...

I hear you!