Thursday, June 23, 2011

A sign of things to come.

I don't miss things. I'm always on time. I have clean floors. I write thank-you notes immediately.

If this week is any indication of how life will be when BBS arrives, and I assume it is, all of the above has gone to hell in a hand-basket. Already.

  • We offered to purchase and have dinner delivered for some friends who just arrived home with their little girl from Ethiopia. I wrote the wrong date on my calendar, leaving them without dinner last night. (I don't miss things like this!)
  • I have been late to 2 appointments today and missed a work meeting. (I am always early! I am obsessive about not missing work meetings and responding to emails in an hour!)
  • My floors are a gross disaster. I walked through Jackson slobber and fur and thought "screw it" (or something similar). (OMG! Ask my husband about my floor freakishness!)
  • My wonderful mother sent me an amazing care-package OVER A MONTH AGO for BBS and I haven't written a thank-you note yet. (I write thank you notes within 24 hours - OR LESS!)

Quickly becoming less of a control freak, whether I like it or not.


Lynn K said...

What's happened to you? You are quickly becoming a mother! Welcome to the club of those with dirty floors who say "screw it!" Soon enough you will go to work with spit on your outfit and won't even have noticed because you'll have no time to look at yourself in the mirror. Just try not to go to the store with your shirt not buttoned (which I've done only once!). It's hard to lose control but the rewards are amazing! I can't wait for you to have your baby boy in your arms. Make sure Terry takes a photo. It will be the smile of a woman who has no idea if her floors are dirty or clean.
Big hug.

Theresa said...

Sign your post

A new mom

I can't imagine how my mom did it with 6 kids! I'm already telling my husband when we bring the little one home, we are hiring a housekeeper to come in once a week. Oh and when you come home and start loving on that boy, floors, meetings, dinner - none of it will matter I'm sure.

elliemac said...

Oh boy, just wait! The fun is about to begin and I'm doing the happy dance for you.

Anonymous said...

Ha.. you make me proud. Your mother does not need a thank you, she is your mother. Your floors are STILL 3000x cleaner than mine, and we have no dog.. unless you count Larry. And I too hate to be late.. but this week and for the next few months cut yourself some serious slack.. YOUR BABY IS ON HIS WAY!!!
Pregnant women are not the only ones who get "baby brain"

Chandra said...

It's called "mommy brain"!! Get used to it!! And you can always blame it on your kid when you are late or your house is a mess!!