We've been home for a week now, but have barely left the house. We both have some kind of intestinal bug. After being up-close and comfortable with these unwelcome guests for more than a week now, we think we have the same intestinal terrorists. And no, this isn't a little case of traveler's poo, this is fever and as much upper GI as lower. Little f**kers.
So here we are, anxious to get back to work, anxious to be outside in beautiful Colorado, anxious to get ready for the baby, hell...anxious to unpack! Yet we're so sick we're like pale sloths acknowledging each other as we pass in the hall on the way to the bathroom or make toast. IT SUCKS.
We have seen 2 docs, and are currently on a regimen we hope will help with high doses oregano extract and grapefruit seed extract in addition to massive probiotics. The famed C-bomb (cipro) didn't do a thing. So much for the theory that it's the perfect travel drug. NOT.
Terry has lost 10lbs, I have lost 9 - in a week, mind you. I have read the Jaycee Dugard Story in a day, finished "Grace and Power... the Kennedy White House" and the completed the final book in the Hunger Games. I am so tired of Jersey Shore reruns and the inside of my eyelids that I have just done the only thing a girl can do to improve her mood. I tried on my skinny jeans. (Almost.) I know that's warped, and I also know some of you will totally get it.
Next step: collecting "samples" for the lab. Outstanding.
PS - what's going down in this house (pun intended) isn't nearly as cute as what's in the above pic.
PS - what's going down in this house (pun intended) isn't nearly as cute as what's in the above pic.