Sunday, July 3, 2011

Here's the situation.

Oh my God - did I just quote Jersey Shore?? Can't be. Some unfortunate coincidence I am sure. I'm giddy!

At any rate - we learned this morning (from a delightful couple and their gorgeous son we just met) that WE CANNOT UPDATE BLOGGER while in Ethiopia! Oh no!! Apparently the Ethiopian government has it blocked.

This is a problem (situation) on many levels, because writing on this blog is therapy, it's our diary of our process - and you won't be able to follow on our journey!

I'll either do a temporary WordPress site for the 2 trips, or update y'all the old-fashioned way - by email or skype :)


PS - I came this close < > to putting a picture of "The Situation" on this blog post, but God forbid the authorities ever get into this blog. We'd be deemed unfit parents I am sure.

PS #2 - I had the flu for a week. There wasn't much else on, it was an all-day Jersey Shore marathon. I couldn't help it. It hasn't happened since.


Lynn K said...

Well then, you'll just have to make an email list and keep us updated that way! RIGHT? You can't just let us go cold turkey at the most exciting point! Then, when you get back, you can just update your blog with what you'll have already written. See, I have it all figured out!

Theresa said...

No!!! GTL??? For the love of God wasn't there a Law & Order marathon on somewhere? Please don't go any further to the orange tan side.

Anonymous said...

I agree- you cannot leave us hanging- I will update the blog for you if I need too!! It will not be fair to leave all these people in the lurch.. we need BBS updates!!