Monday, August 22, 2011

This moment.

I wake every morning at 5:30 thinking about him. I can't get back to sleep. He was 5 months old when we first saw him, he's now 10 months old. He has been our son for half of his life, yet we've spent less than 10 hours with him. 

We've been so blessed in all of this. More than blessed. He is so beautiful. Our friends, family colleagues and even strangers have been incredibly and amazingly supportive and generous. We have so much. Our Ethiopia process has been "easy"...for an international adoption. 

But can we please have one more miracle and get him home soon? Please?

I think about him all the time, yet looking at pictures of him makes my heart hurt. I know we must focus on now - the present, and not spend time hoping or wanting what isn't in this very moment. I also know I need to hold him and have him while he's still a baby.

We're ready, BBS. Please come home to us.

Namaste, Selam, God Bless.

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