Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Denver & Nepal Get Together

I had lunch with Laura today (http://www.nepaladoptionblog.com/). She's much futher along in the process than we are, and has been a great support to us already with tips and information. We started talking about community, and we decided it'd be fun to do a potluck with those of us locally who are either in the process of adopting from Nepal, or have recently adopted from Nepal.

So if you're in the process - and in (or close to) Denver - add a comment to this post with your email address and I'll get you the details! In the meantime plan on Sunday, March 15th at 5pm. Namaste!

1 comment:

Quicksall said...

Hi Anne, I found your blog through a "google alert." I was so excited because we're adopting from Nepal as well and I don't think there are many others in the area. We are in Colorado Springs and can't make it on the 15th but please take my email and keep me updated as to future gatherings. We started the process to adopt from Vietnam in April '07 and since Vietnam closed are now transferring over to Nepal.