Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I really need you for less than a minute.

There is a recent movement to reduce inter-country in Ethiopia adoptions by 90%. This move would potentially eliminate our chance to bring home a child from Ethiopia, and put us in the rare company of couples who have had 2 international adoptions fail. (While I am sure the company is wonderful, I don't want to be in that club. It's the new adoptive parents' club I'm shooting for...)

Please, please sign this petition, send to your friends & family and post to FaceBook.  It'll take you less than a minute or so to do all 3. And it's very much appreciated.

Petition to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Meles Zenawi: http://www.gopetition.com/petition/43714.html

Oh - and any and all prayers, meditations, thoughts, good energy, etc, is welcomed and appreciated too. :)


Becca said...

Anne- I've been a silent stalker on your blog for a couple of months now and I've enjoyed reading your posts.. you are such a fighter.. keep up the good fight!

We too are on the Ethiopian journey and I am sending you peace and hope ( I know your reserves are running low) I signed the petition and I have posted it on my blog and on FB as well.. thanks for taking the lead on this!

Rebecca- Denver CO

Elissa said...

I want you in my club!! I have reposted the link everywhere I can and will keep praying that this ridiculous decision is overturned.

I know of 2 reputable agencies saying they think there is considerable liklihood that this decision will be overturned, that MOWA just wants to cause a stink to get more resources. This is NOT Nepal, and you WILL be in the club you belong in!