Monday, March 21, 2011

Now for something completely different. (Because I have, literally, nothing else to say about adoption).

I've been in Colorado since 1995. I love it here. We're only in the foothills - we're not true mountain-folk. We're kinda "wannabe" mountain folk. Or I am - I'll speak for myself. I think I'd really love to move to Bozeman, MT. Or someplace even more mountain. With less pollen, preferably.

So three years ago it was a rattlesnake ready to strike. Two years ago I had three separate bear sightings. Last year we saw two bull moose. This year it was a mountain lion and two cubs (and some of their hunting aftermath). Oh - and a herd of wild turkeys. And that's just the short list.

Now we've got a wildfire burning 2 miles from our house. We're safe - it would take really extraordinary events for us to be evacuated - but I am getting prepared anyway. That's just how I roll. I documented my shoe shelves first thing this morning (One must take nothing for granted!) and have started our fire/flood emergency list. Oh, and I've already called the animal shelter to see if they need anything (not yet), photographed the fire from the adjacent mountain, and twittered the mayor and the city to see if they need volunteers (no respone yet).

I think my next job is in crisis or emergency management. Maybe working for FEMA. (My husband calls me rescue ranger.) I'm not kidding. Or wildlife management. Yeah.

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