Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pebbles and Stones

 When I travel, I generally try to find a small pebble or stone to take home with me, I love rocks/stones/pebbles of all shapes/sizes. (Insert joke here about marrying a Stone…) I have a big bowl filled with all of these beautiful river rocks, sand stones, crystals, etc., from around the country and world. (The most recent addition was a white, heart-shaped stone I found in Austria on the banks of the Salzach river.) The bigger stones live in the garden.

Now, my parents will chime in here and tell you I tried to bring a small boulder home from California on a family vacation when I was about 7. (I was convinced it was a geode. My dad tried to break it so I could take part of it - but I ended up going home without it. I'm pretty sure I shed a few tears. But it was a really great big, round stone.) In his defense, dad has brought me many great, big rocks and stones since then. :)

ANYWAY! I’ve been going for walks on the beach each morning while I'm here in Florida. I have been looking for stones or pebbles, but only finding seashells, coral or seaweed. Not a fan of the seashell. Too breakable and, well, sea-shelly. But today, I found a stone! It was an interesting shape, so I picked it up - if for no other reason. It was kind ugly, but like I said, not many options. I carried it back to my beach chair, and was looking at it, trying to decide if it was worthy of my collection, because honestly, I wasn't inspired. Then, out of nowhere, I had a thought. And I Googled the map of Ethiopia. Take a look below to find out what I discovered…
Is it just me?


Two Little Birds said...

Sweet :)

Clair said...

That's pretty amazing! :)

Becca said...

I love signs! I totally see it! happy to hear you are making time for recharging