Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This is a problem.

I have just realized that when we get BBS home I am going to have to forgo both dangling earrings and any cute shoes involving heels for an unknown period of time.

The dangling earrings (90% of my earring wardrobe!) will just be too dangerous. BBS could latch on, and the potential resulting bloodshed is probably not worth the cuteness / fashion statement of said earrings.

The heels (80% of my shoe wardrobe) will be difficult in that when I lean over to pick up or carry BBS, I'll need more stability than heels might offer. The combination of a lack of grace, and a bad lower back do not bode well for me, or BBS for that matter.

I can go with the Danksos and a few pair of flats for a while. The lack of post-type earrings present a larger problem.

So much to figure out!


Anonymous said...

throw in: when to shower and what to do with the kid whilst trying to get clean, what happens when they are terrified of the hair dryer, how to keep toenails painted, and where does all the laundry appear from... shall I go on??

It is a GREAT problem to have!! :-)

Theresa said...

And don't forget wearing your hair back. Babies love to pull hair. But I agree with the first comment, a great problem to have.

Lynn K said...

Also, forget about clothes that need to be dry cleaned because they'll be smudged with something before you can even get out of the house! Just think of it as the perfect time to simplify everything!