Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bustin' A Move

Terry is headed to ET next week to see Samuel, meet with our agency, our agency's attorney, USCIS and the Embassy. We don't expect this will result in any immediate action on our behalf, but we need information. I have a ticket booked for later in November to visit Samuel and meet with whomever is appropriate at that time.

The lack of information from our Agency is infuriating. The actions of the United States are unconscionable. The inability to actually "do" anything for Samuel is heartbreaking.


Erin Carson said...

I'm glad you guys are taking action. You are doing a good thing! After all these years... you deserve more. (and so does Samuel)

Pebble to Stone said...

Trust me, we've been taking action for 2 months :o)! Endless letters, phone calls, emails to senators, congressmen, embassy people, USCIS people, lawyers, our agency - it's literally a full-time job between the two of us. Fortunately our Nepal friends have been helpful with the process. Anyway, thanks, Erin!

Two Little Birds said...

I don't blame you for heading to ET yourself. Good for you guys! I hope that your husband can find some answers and start some movement. I am curious how/what your agency is feeling or doing about all of this? I am on the fence with ours. It is just all so discouraging and deflating = mistrust. :( I'll keep checking in and continue to think of you guys often in that you'll have your little Samuel home soon.

Straus^3 said...

Glad you get to see your son soon. Hope you get some answers! Always thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Good for you!! well... ya know what I mean...
wish you weren't in this boat. But glad Terry is going!

Becca said...

good! can I send along anything? action is power and you guys are taking ACTION!