Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sam's Bear is on his way to Ethiopia

We went to Build-A-Bear this weekend and made a bear that has recorded messages from mommy when you squeeze his hands, and from daddy when you squeeze his feet. My mom had made this t-shirt for a previous bear, but it fit this new bear perfectly, so he's well-dressed and headed to Africa.

I can't begin to tell you how nightmarish our last week has been, so I won't. Suffice to say things have gone from bad to worse. I could seriously strangle every single !#!&@(^%  person at our agency right now. Too much has transpired to write about, and, quite frankly, I don't have the wherewithal to share it now.

Mom and dad are coming to visit and to help clean up our yard after the snowstorm, which looks like a hurricane came through. But, mostly, I think they're coming to be with their baby while her heart is breaking trying to get her baby. And, my husband is the most amazing man in the world. I'm thankful for parents, and husbands. And of course sweet pups. And I'm scared to death.


Anonymous said...

that's awesome for him to have, only til he has you.
He will have you, it is just a horrible mess to wade through. No one understands the urgency or pain or uselessness like the ones who have been through this or with a child on the other side of the world, waiting.
would do anything to make you guys not have to be here right now.

elliemac said...

We'll be there and will try our best to fix things - whether it's broken hearts or broken limbs. And we'll hold you close until Samuel is here to hold. And HE WILL BE!

Straus^3 said...

:( safe travels to Terry and hugs to all of you. The bear is such a great idea. He will love and appreciate it for years to come.

Two Little Birds said...

I am so glad your family can be there for you ... until Samuel gets home, and that your husband arrives safely and can get some answers! I am sorry your agency is being the pits. :(

mama of 5 said...

I can't imagine the pain you are going through. You are in my thoughts and I am checking your blog often for updates.