Monday, November 14, 2011

Big Week (Hopefully!) For The Stone Family

It's hard to even begin to think about how to communicate everything that has happened since Terry went to Ethiopia more than 2 weeks ago. To say it has been a roller-coaster ride would be a total understatement. He's still there. We have extended his trip twice.

We now have an amazing adoption/immigration attorney involved, a US Senator (Senator Landrieu) personally involved, and have basically taught the people at our orphanage, our agency, and our agency's in-country attorney how to do an investigation on a child and navigate the US Embassy and USCIS. We have done all of the work on our son's case on our own - not including, of course, your prayers, thoughts and support, which is literally what has kept us going.

So, if all goes well, we should/could/hope to hear something pretty substantial this week.

Thanks again. I *hope* the next time I post, I'm sharing some really, really good news. And pictures.


Straus^3 said...

fingers and toes crossed and sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

Michele said...

Fingers crossed here too!!

Wes, Dawn and Luke said...

I have goose bumps :o)

elliemac said...

I can already feel that little guy in my arms. And you can't debate a grandmother on that one!!!

Becca said...
